Your Brand Blueprint

When starting a new architectural or design practice, one of the first things you should ask yourself is; how do I want to present my brand to the world? What do I value and what do I want my peers and the public to know about what I do?

Starting with strong and considered practice DNA will continue to pay dividends over time, whether it be continuity to your projects, the design of your documents, marketing strategies or simply what kinds of clients and typologies you want to align yourself with. With a strong brand identity, that aligns with your goals, you are setting yourself up for success.

There are many things to consider when establishing your brand’s blueprint and it’s important to ask yourself the tough questions, as well as the exciting ones. Ask yourself what clients and types of projects you want to attract, but also ask yourself what the potential barriers are to making this happen. Think about overarching strategies to overcome this; marketing, and advertising tactics that you can use as tools to achieve your goals.

Part of building your value proposition is to show your potential clients and peers your process, what inspires you, and how you work – this is just as important to communicate as final project imagery. Write essays, give interviews, and speak at events. All of this will help strengthen your brand identity, as well as give you the path to develop your ideas and practice over time. 

If you’re an established practice, what are your pieces of advice for establishing a successful brand blueprint?